Friday, 13 December 2013

Patrick's Hamster Wheel of Life

Sandy's sketchbook  "Hamster Wheel of Life" was passed to me right during a period of time where there was just no possible way I was going to complete the sketch - I was too busy.  So, I passed the book on and am just now getting back to it.  I had a crazy 5 weekends in a row where I was not home in Singapore and in that time I had a lot of fun and accomplished many things, but rest, relaxation and sketchbooks were not among them.  We did LegoLand and a trip to Phuket as a family before I set off for an R&D trip, then I had a few days in Singapore before heading to KL to co-lead a Google Apps BootCamp, present a few sessions and a closing keynote for the Google Summit.  I capped that string off with a few days of work then a trip to Hong Kong Disney.  Phew.  A slow Saturday of sketchbooking is my reward.

I tried to capture the idea that all the events and fun were keeping me moving while at the same time grinding me up.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Outliers at our house are the NORMAL ones.

Lego mini figs are a big deal at our house.  But I'm not sure why. We get really excited about recognizable characters such as Cowgirls or Mummies, but within minutes they seem to mutate into decapitated unrecognizable aliens.  Pristine mini figs in their unaltered factory state are the true outliers in our house, and they are usually only found in forgotten dark corners or under couch cushions.