Sunday, 21 September 2014

One Day at a Time...

A couple of years ago when I was going through a difficult time my doctor advised me to take "One Day at a Time". We've all heard these words but they become my mantra during the dark days that followed. I decided to use them as the theme for my sketchbook because I love to think of each day as a brand new beginning, or blank page, that we can create through the choices we make.

I chose to design my page on a calendar template. Yes...even my creative side likes to have a bit of structure. I loved cracking open my "Sharpies" and creating this first entry...and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's interpretations of the theme when my book is eventually back in my hands.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a big fan of boxes and coloring books and Advent calendars and doodling in contained spaces. It feels good. This resonates with me, Louise! I want a whole year of your every day in wee illustrations!
