Saturday 31 August 2013

What's your Mood? Yippee we're back!!

Heidi's Mood, September 2013

My sketch book’s theme is, “What’s your mood?”
My first piece is a reflection of my mood this fall. With my second daughter, Abby, getting ready to graduate this year, Jim and I are bracing ourselves for the next chapter. I chose ambers, golds and yellows to express my mood, based on the chart below that I found online from another quilter’s site. Some days I’m nervous and unsettled, some optimistic and accepting of our coming experiences sans girls. Feeling nostalgic and reflective, I added a gold threaded trim that I made from a scarf that the girls used to play with. The scarf still rests in our dress-up box, long forgotten (minus it's trim!).

Found at:
Color perception and our reactions to color are subjective. They are shaped through our personal experience as well as our cultural environment. Below is a list of colors and some of the emotional mind states associated with them. Notice how colors can have both positive and negative associations.
BLACK: tense, nervous, harassed, over-worked, emptiness, void, mystery, allure, fascination, independent, strength
GREY: anxieties, nervous, strained, depressed, forbearance, perseverance, patience, reflection
AMBER-GOLD: nervous, mixed emotions, unsettled, warm, rich
LIME GREEN: excited, anticipation, new growth, perceptive, motivated,
GREEN: average reading, active, not under great stress, growth, abundance, prosperity, gratitude, hope, satisfaction, contentment, fertile, envy, greed, jealous, heart chakra
BLUE-GREEN: charged but relaxed, calm, dynamic, refreshed, tranquil, patience, cool, motivated, fussy, egocentric
BLUE: relaxed, at ease, calm, lovable, sincerity, peace, tranquility, faith, trust, truthful, sad, arrogant, throat chakra
DARK-BLUE: very happy, love, romance, dignity, integrity, intuition, knowledge, fantasy, wishful thinking, third eye chakra
WHITE: frustrated, cold, confused, bored, vacant, bare, peace, innocence, purity, open, faith
BROWN: earth, comforting, nurturing, stable, grounded, cozy, secure, elegant, fertile, humble
BRONZE: jitters, anticipation, restless thoughts,
YELLOW: imaginative, wondering, ok feeling, optimism, understanding, cheerful, motivated, curious, self-assured, productive, solar chakra
ORANGE: stimulating, ideas, creativity, daring, wants, joy, enthusiasm, sexuality, busy, bright, cheerful, naval chakra
RED: excited, energized, adventurous, ready to go, passion, courage, power, will, desire, anger, root chakra
PINK: fear, uncertain, love, affection, harmony, gentleness
PURPLE: sensual, clarity, purpose is known, wisdom, spirituality, passion, meditative, awareness, crown chakra

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