Sunday 12 May 2013

To Explore Is To Be Human

For Heather's book on Exploration, I decided to go to the best source I know related to this theme, National Geographic.  While flipping through the pages looking for images for my collage, I couldn't help but notice that not only do we explore ideas and concepts in the physical world, we do the same in the spiritual world.  In this collage, I chose a number of those images, and laid them out on top of a series of maps where places have been negatively impacted by human exploration.  In the end, I realized that to explore is to be human.  It's what sets us apart and makes us unique.  It's what compels us to take our wonderings and put them into action.  It's what motivates us to take risks and make the impossible possible.  And that's exactly what Heather's book drove me to do with this collage.  Thanks, Heather!

1 comment:

  1. I love your explanation of your piece. I'm glad I could provide some inspiration for an exploration with National Geographic. I love the texture!
